SUBROUTINE FORMCHECK(FILELIST,ROOTLIST,FORMDATA, ENV, REPLY) AM = CHAR(254); * Attribute Mark separates form fields CRLF = CHAR(13):CHAR(10) POST = 0; * Form data flag, assume not * * Cycle through environment variables * looking for the REQUEST_METHOD variable * ENVCNT = DCOUNT(ENV,AM) - 1 FOR I = 1 TO ENVCNT IF ENV<I,1> = "REQUEST_METHOD" AND ENV<I,2> = "POST" THEN POST = 1 END NEXT I RETURN
SUBROUTINE ECHO(FILELIST,ROOTLIST,FORMDATA, ENV, REPLY)) * AM = CHAR(254); * Attribute Mark separates form fields CRLF = CHAR(13):CHAR(10) REPLY = ""; * Clear out old HTML code * * Show all fields as "name=value" * FCOUNT = DCOUNT(FORMDATA,AM) - 1 FOR I = 1 TO FCOUNT REPLY = REPLY:FORMDATA<I,1>:"=":FORMDATA<I,2>:"<BR>":CRLF NEXT I REPLY = REPLY:"</BODY></HTML>":CRLF RETURN
SUBROUTINE SETCART(FILELIST,ROOTLIST,FORMDATA, ENV, REPLY) * AM = CHAR(254); * Attribute Mark separates form fields CRLF = CHAR(13):CHAR(10) * COOKIE = TIME() REPLY = "Content-type: text/html":CRLF REPLY = "Set-cookie: shoppingcart=":COOKIE:CRLF:CRLF REPLY = REPLY:"<HTML><HEAD><TITLE>Setting A Cookie</TITLE>":CRLF REPLY = REPLY:"</HEAD><BODY>":CRLF REPLY = REPLY:"A Shopping Cart is now ready for you to shop with.":CRLF REPLY = REPLY:"<BODY></HTML>" RETURN
SUBROUTINE GETCARTNUM(FILELIST,ROOTLIST,FORMDATA, ENV, REPLY) * AM = CHAR(254); * Attribute Mark separates form fields CRLF = CHAR(13):CHAR(10) ALLCOOKIES = "" COOKIES = ""; * Dynamic array of cookies SHOPPINGCART = 0 * * Cycle through environment variables * looking for the HTTP_COOKIE variable * ENVCNT = DCOUNT(ENV,AM) - 1 FOR I = 1 TO ENVCNT IF ENV<I,1> = "HTTP_COOKIE" THEN ALLCOOKIES = ENV<I,2> NEXT I * * Since all cookies are together, separate them out * looking for the shoppingcart cookie * IF ALLCOOKIES NE "" THEN * * Separate the cookies by ";" CONVERT " " TO "" IN ALLCOOKIES; * Remove spaces SEMICOUNT = DCOUNT(ALLCOOKIES,";") FOR I = 1 TO SEMICOUNT COOKIE<I> = FIELD(ALLCOOKIES,";",I) IF COOKIE<I>[1,12] = "shoppingcart" THEN SHOPPINGCART = INDEX(COOKIE<I>,"=",2) END NEXT I END * * Display results on browser of shoppingcart cookie * REPLY = "Content-type: text/html":CRLF:CRLF REPLY = REPLY:"<HTML><HEAD><TITLE>Shopping Cart ID</title>":CRLF REPLY = REPLY:"</HEAD><BODY>":CRLF IF SHOPPINGCART THEN REPLY = REPLY:"<P>Your shopping cart number is ":SHOPPINGCART:CRLF END ELSE REPLY = REPLY:"<P>No shopping cart number assigned":CRLF END REPLY = REPLY:"<BODY></HTML>" RETURN